7th Sunday of the Year


Retired Priest: Fr. John Masshedar Tel. 07811 101704

Parish Contact:  Mrs. Norma Musgrave Tel. 07932 465188

Facebook/Comms: Charlotte: Tel. 07538 258781

Parish Safeguarding & Welfare: Jo Anne Laing 07528 753110


Mass Intentions


Sat (22nd)         4.30 p.m.        John Robinson (ann. RIP) & People of the Parish

Wed (26th)        10 a.m.           Austin, Madge, Austin Jnr., Richy Carr & Maureen Randall (RIP)

Sat (1st)            4.30 p.m.        Auriemma & Waistell families & People of the Parish



Confessions: 30 minutes before Mass . 

Rota for Sat 1st March.: Reader: Norma. Collectors: Janet and Maureen. Eucharistic Minister: Mary

Sanctuary Lamp Intention

Jean Cudlip, Marjorie Henderson, Barlow, Marr and Cudlip families


Your prayers are asked for the sick and housebound as well as those who look after them; Isaac, James, Jude, Nancy, Steven Briggs, Steven Briggs Snr., Christopher Brown, Kenneth Bruce, Andrew Brydon, Liz Butler, Dennis Champley, Christopher, Anne Conroy, James Cooper, Daniel, Fr. Gary Dickson, Connie Evans, John Frain, Linda Illies, Lynsy, Ann Jones, Denise Jones, Marie, Julie McCluskey, Morris, Pat Proudlock, Mr. Robinson, David Roche, Rose, Sarah, Vera Stanger, Les Thompson, All our sick friends and relatives


Parish News 22nd February 2025


Annual White Flower Appeal on behalf of SPUC will be held next weekend during Mass. As well as their campaign to protect unborn children, SPUC are also very proactive in promoting pro-life for the sick and elderly, hence campaigning against the assisted suicide bill which has an impact on many vulnerable people. Our parish has always been very generous and supportive of the good work by SPUC.

Easter Cards and bags for life on sale in the chapel after Mass.

Monthly clean and tidy takes place next Sunday morning.

Sanctuary lamp: We are starting to run low on Sanctuary lamp intentions so if anyone would like to contribute, especially as Lent, Holy Week and Easter are approaching, please give us your intentions and a request for any specific week if required. Please also remember our intentions include celebrations as well as memorials.

Request from Our Lady of Lourdes School: The school is planning to present a display of school and parish history in the local library and have asked that if anyone has any photos of school and/or church (old church and present one) to contribute towards the display, please see Eileen Stephenson.

Stella Maris: Although the request for warm clothing is currently on hold, please continue with the offerings of toiletries, biscuits and sweets, especially as Easter is just around the corner. Thank you for your continued generous support.

Feasts and Memorials this week: • Thursday – St Gregory of Narek, Abbot, Doctor of the Church • Saturday – St. David, Bishop, Patron of Wales


Please remember members of our Armed Forces in your prayers